Slingshot: 40 Postcards by Eric Drooker

SKU: 9781629635088
Author and Illustrator: Eric Drooker
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629635088
Published: 1/2019
Format: Paperback
Size: 4.5 x 6
Page count: 84
Subjects: Postcard Book/Art-Illustration

Qty: - +


Disguised as a book of innocent postcards, Slingshot is a dangerous collection of Eric Drooker’s most notorious posters. Plastered on brick walls from New York to Berlin, tattooed on bodies from Kansas to Mexico City, Drooker’s graphics continue to infiltrate and inflame the body politic. Drooker is the author of two graphic novels, Flood! A Novel in Pictures (winner of the American Book Award), and Blood Song: A Silent Ballad. He collaborated with Beat poet Allen Ginsberg on the underground classic Illuminated Poems. His provocative art has appeared on countless posters and book covers, and his hard-edged graphics are a familiar sight on street corners throughout the world. Eric Drooker is a third-generation New Yorker, born and raised on Manhattan Island. His paintings are frequently seen on covers of the New Yorker and hang in various art collections throughout the U.S. and Europe.


“Drooker’s old Poe hallucinations of beauteous deathly reality transcend political hang-up and fix our present American dreams.”
—Allen Ginsberg

“When the rush of war parades are over, a simple and elegant reminder of humanity remains—in the work of Eric Drooker.”
—Sue Coe

About the Author:

Eric Drooker is a third-generation New Yorker, born and raised on Manhattan Island. His paintings are frequently seen on covers of the New Yorker magazine and hang in various art collections throughout the U.S. and Europe. Drooker is the author of two graphic novels, Flood! A Novel in Pictures (winner of the American Book Award) and Blood Song: A Silent Ballad. He collaborated with Beat poet Allen Ginsberg on the underground classic Illuminated Poems. His provocative art has appeared on countless book covers and posters, and his hard-edged graphics are a familiar sight on street corners throughout the world. He gives frequent slide lectures at colleges and universities.

See and hear artist interviews, book reviews, and other news on Eric Drooker's page HERE

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