Crossing the American Crises: From Collapse To Action (DVD)

SKU: 9781604864007
Producer: Michael Fox • Director/Producer: Sílvia Leindecker
Publisher: PM Press/Estreito Meios Productions
ISBN: 9781604864007
UPC: 760137512394
Published: 3/2011
Format: Video (DVD - NTSC)
Language: English/Spanish
Subtitles: English, Spanish and Portuguese
Size: 7.5 x 5.5
Length: 82 Minutes
Subjects: Current Events, Politics, Documentary

Qty: - +


On September 15, 2008, the United States fell into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The same day, we set out on a trip around the country to ask the American people what they had to say about it. In 2010, we went back to see how things had changed. The financial forecasters say the recession is over, but the reality is otherwise.

Their stories reveal desperation, indignation, hope, dreams and a disastrous economic breakdown; chaos generated by a system of inequality. But the financial meltdown is just one of several human rights crises now shaking the United States—in housing, education, health care, etc. The solutions to “Crossing the American Crises” are in the hands of the people.

Featuring the Vermont Worker’s Center, LA’s Bus Rider’s Union, Santa Fe’s local business Alliance, Oakland’s Green Jobs Now, Baltimore’s United Workers, New York’s Poverty Initiative, the U.S. Social Forum, and American workers, truck drivers, farmers, homeless, ex-felons, minorities, natural disaster survivors, indigenous, immigrants, and residents from coast to coast—covering nearly 40 states across the nation.

About Michael Fox:

Michael Fox is a freelance journalist, reporter, and documentary filmmaker based in South America. He is the co-author of Venezuela Speaks!: Voices From The Grassroots. He is the producer of the weekly Venezuelanalysis radio headlines; co-founder of the internet radio, Radio Venezuela en Vivo; and co-director of the documentary, Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas released by PM Press.

About Sílvia Leindecker:

Sílvia Leindecker is a Brazilian documentary film maker who has shot for the Spanish news agency EFE, Germany’s Politik magazine, and co-director of the documentary, Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas released by PM Press.

See and hear interviews, reviews, and other news on Michael Fox and Silvia Leindecker's page HERE

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Cruzando las Crisis Norteamericanas

El 15 de Septiembre 2008, los Estados Unidos cayo en la peor crisis financiera desde la Gran Depresión. Ese mismo día, salimos de viaje por el país para preguntar al pueblo Norteamericano que querían decir. En 2010, volvimos para ver como habían cambiado las cosas. Ahora los analistas financieros dicen que terminó la recesión, pero la realidad es otra.

Sus voces revelan desesperanza, indignación, esperanza, sueños y una quiebra económica desastrosa; caos generado por un sistema de desigualdad. Pero la quiebra financiera es solo una de varias crisis de derechos humanos que están ahora haciendo temblar a los Estados Unidos. Las soluciones para “Cruzar las Crisis Americanas” están en las manos del pueblo. Entrevistas con el Centro de Trabajadores de Vermont; el Sindicato de Pasajeros de Los Ángeles; la Alianza empresarial local de Santa Fe; Trabajos Verdes Ahora de Oakland; los Trabajadores Unidos de Baltimore; la Iniciativa de Pobreza de Nueva York, el Foro Social de los Estados Unidos y trabajadores, camioneros, productores, ex-prisioneros, minorías, sin techo, indígenas, inmigrantes y residentes Norteamericanos de costa a costa—cubriendo casi 40 de 50 estados de la nación.

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