
Damnificados: A Review


By Beate Sigriddalighter
Desert Exposure
October 2015

“…The gist of the story is this: A band of have-nots make a derelict tower on a landfill and surrounded by trash, marginally habitable. No sooner do they succeed, than the haves naturally covet the previously abadonded property again. Add to that a natural disaster, and you end up with the ceaseless drama of precarious survival.

Though the novel is not exactly a cliff hanger – reading it I found myself more floating above the edge of the cliff rather than hanging on to it breathlessly – this is one of the rare books that I treasured so much that I looked forward to getting back to it each time I had a chance. Life being what it is, I couldn’t read 24/7, but I found myself stealing snippets of time from my usual pursuits to read just one more section, just one more chapter…”

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