
Watch Mark Bray and Rob Haworth on Francisco Ferrer

Mark Bray, author of “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook” and Rob Haworth (founding member of Inside Out, Hard Stance, Farside, currently in Second Letter, associate professor at West Chester University, editor of “Anarchist Pedagogies”) co-presented their new reader, “Anarchist Education and the Modern School” which focuses on Francisco Ferrer’s writings on rationalist education, revolutionary violence, and the general strike. The book is available now via “In 1909, Francisco Ferrer, the notorious Catalan anarchist educator and founder of the Modern School of Barcelona, was executed by firing squad. Ferrer navigated a tempestuous world of anarchist assassins, radical republican conspirators, anticlerical rioters, and freethinking educators to establish the legendary Escuela Moderna and the Modern School movement. Was Ferrer a ferocious revolutionary, an ardently nonviolent pedagogue, or something else entirely?”

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